The Legacy of Bandung Humanisms in the Era of Globalization
Stathis Gourgouris.
“The Legacy of Bandung Humanisms” is an open-ended ongoing project of collaborative research, begun in 2014 and co-organized by the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University and Global Critical Humanities of the Department of Comparative Literature at UCLA, which revisits the legacy of international anti-colonial cooperation in politics and culture that was inaugurated by the Bandung Congress in 1955. The project is envisioned as a multiple-year series of events of various sorts—public conferences, smaller workshops, art exhibitions, joint publications – at the heart of which operates a working study group, composed of faculty and graduate students from a variety of disciplines with members in both campuses. The present proposal, which brings the project into the mandate of IRCPL, envisions furthering international collaboration with intellectuals and artists from regions directly affected by the Bandung legacy, which is meant to be conducted not only in the premises of Columbia University but expressly in local academic and public contexts.