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Local Conflicts as a Global Challenge

Across the globe, the face of war is changing.  Wars are no longer battles between nation states or alliances of nation states across recognized borders.  Wars have become local.  Yet the challenges they present are global, both in the extended chaos they cause within nominally unified countries and through the massive numbers of people that they displace.  To engage this challenge requires the mobilization of both local actors and global networks.

This event is co-sponsored by the Office of the University Chaplain, the Institute for Human Rights Studies, the Department of Religion, and the Earth Institute, Columbia University.

George Rupp, From 2002 to 2013, Dr Rupp worked as the CEO and President of International Rescue Committee, an international NGO that works to provide care and assistance for refugees fleeing such conflicts. The author of Globalization Challenged: Conviction, Conflict, Community (2006), Dr Rupp is also a senior fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, a founding principal at NEXT: Transition Advisors, and Adjunct Professor of religion, public health, and international affairs at Columbia University.